User Manual

1. Login
  • Input email and password, click login or press enter
2. Create New Article (Post)
  • Go to sidebar menu on the left side, hover the cursor on the Post, then click Add New
  • Set Title
  • Type Content
  • Choose category for article ( can be more than 1 )
  • Set or Upload Feature Images
  • to Save article, click Publish
3. Edit/Delete Article
  • Go to sidebar menu on the left side, hover the cursor on the Post, then click All Post
  • For edit article content,  click post titles that you wanted to edit
  • For deleting the article, click trash (below post titles)
4. Create/Edit/Delete Post Category
  • Go to sidebar menu on the left side, hover the cursor on the Post, then click Category
  • Fill Name and Description of category
  • To save new category, click “Add New Category”
5. Set Article to Breaking news
  • Go to sidebar menu on the left side, hover the cursor on the Post, then click All Post
  • Select Post, click Quick Edit
  • Check “Breaking” options on the right side
  • Click Update for save
6. Set Article to Editors Pick
  • Go to sidebar menu on the left side, hover the cursor on the Post, then click All Post
  • Select Post, click Quick Edit
  • Type “Editors Pick” on the right side (see picture below)
  • Click Update for save
7. Add Category Thumbnail/Image in Homepage

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8. Add New User (Author)
  • Go to sidebar menu on the left side, hover the cursor on the User, then click Add New User
  • Complete all the fields (see picture below)
  • Click Add New User for sending notification through mail

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